Recent Alumni

Hector Camilo Ruiz Sanchez

Hector-Camilo Ruiz-Sanchez is a medical anthropologist with research interests on the new shapes of the HIV epidemic in urban Latin America. In his most recent work, he pays particular attention to the lives of heterosexual men and fathers living with HIV/AIDS in Cali, Colombia, and to the experiences of methadone use among heroin users amidst the rapid growing heroin epidemic in the same city. He also has researched over the past decade, immigration dynamics and issues within Latinx Emerging Communities in the U.S. Since 2007 he has participated in an ongoing ethnographic work  that addresses the closure of the most important maternal hospital in Colombia amidst the privatization of the health care system in the country since the implementation of harsh neoliberal policies in the ’90s.  He has a trajectory of CBPR that include art installations, public art, and PhotoVoice projects.

Published Books or Articles

Ruiz Sánchez, Héctor Camilo; Pardo Gaviria, Paulina; De Ferrari, Rosa; Savage, Kirk & Documet, Patricia. OjO Latino: A photovoice project in recognition of the Latino presence in Pittsburgh, PA, Contemporaneity. 2018, (7), 53-71. 

Abadía, César;  Ruiz Sánchez, Héctor Camilo & Pinilla, María Yaneth.  Etnografía como acción política: articulación del compromiso antropológico a estrategias contra hegemónicas. In: Trabajo de Campo en América Latina. Experiencias Antropológicas Regionales en Etnografía. 2018.  

Abadía Barrero, César Ernesto & Ruiz Sánchez, Héctor Camilo. «Enfrentando al neoliberalismo en Colombia: arte y colaboración en un hospital en ruinas», Etnográfica. 2018, vol. 22 (3) | 575-603.

Macia, Laura., Documet, Patricia, & Ruiz, Héctor Camilo. Promotores’ Perspectives on a Male-to-Male Peer Network. Health Education Research. 2016, 1–14.

Ruiz, Héctor Camilo. Book Review: Nicole Trujillo-Pagan, Modern Colonization by Medical Intervention:  U.S. Medicine in Puerto Rico. International Sociology. 2015, 30(5), 467–469.

Crane, Emma Shaw, and Ruiz, Héctor Camilo. Género, Estado y Terror. Vivencias del VIH In Salud, Normalización y Capitalismo en Colombia. C. Abadía, M. Melo, C. Platarrueda, and A. Góngora, eds. Bogotá: CES Universidad Nacional, Desde Abajo. 2013.

Abadía, Cesar; Ariza, Katherine; Ruiz, Héctor Camilo, et al. Neoliberalismo en salud: La tortura de trabajadoras y trabajadores del Instituto Materno Infantil de Bogotá. Revista de Salud Pública. 2012, (14 supl):18-31.

Abadía, Cesar; Crane, Emma; and Ruiz, Héctor Camilo. Defending the right to health in Colombia. NACLA REPORT ON THE AMERICAS. 2012, 45(2):70 - 73.

Abadía, César; Ariza, Katherine; Ruiz, Héctor Camilo; et al. Algunas violencias del capitalismo en Colombia. Dispositivos de tortura y autodestrucción. 2011,Maguaré 25(1):203 - 240.

Ferro, German; Ruiz, Héctor Camilo, et al. Árboles ciudadanos. En la memoria y el paisaje cultural de Bogotá. Research funded by Instituto de Patrimonio Cultural de Bogotá. 2010.

Ruiz Sánchez, Héctor Camilo. Dolor crónico, cuerpo y experiencia en la Clínica del Dolor del       Seguro Social. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – Departamento de Antropología – Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá. 2007.

Degrees and Education

Current - PhD candidate in the Anthropology Department & Masters candidate in the Public Health Department at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2007. Bachelors in anthropology with an emphasis in history at Universidad de Los Andes. Bogotá, Colombia


2019-2020 - University of Pittsburgh Center for International Studies Latinx Fellowship
2019 - University of Pittsburgh Provost’s Office Year of Creativity Grant
2018-2019 - University of Pittsburgh CLAS Latin American Public Policy Fellowship
2017-2018 - Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Development Fellowship
2016 - University of Pittsburgh Provost’s Office Year of Diversity Grant
2016 - Race-ing the Museum Pittsburgh. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship
2012-2016 - Fulbright – Colciencias PhD Fellowship
2011 - Colciencias – Young Researcher Fellow